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   CLABEL()                 Label creation/printing
     Usage         CLABEL()
     Param         None, interactive - contains complete menus system
     Example       ...
                   use Customer index Customer
     Notes         Assumes datafile is open.
                   Creates and modifies Clipper compatible LBL files.
                   Needs some enhancements. I'm open to suggestions.

                   Link in alternate ERRORSYS.PRG - check is done for
                   valid .lbl file
                   i.e. TLINK program,errorsys,,,clipper,extend,super

      LABEL_FLDS()      L_PARSE()         MENU_CL()
      MKLABEL()         READ_LBL()        WRITE_LBL()

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson